We want to ensure we put the same level of care and attention into looking after our customers as we do into building our properties. However, we do understand that things can go wrong, and issues do arise which is why we take complaints very seriously. If you do have a complaint, we urge you to let us know as soon as possible so that we may take the opportunity to resolve the issue for you.
Whilst we hope you don’t encounter any issues in your new property, our commitment continues after your purchase has completed. You can feel safe in the knowledge that all our new homes come with our two year developer warranty plus a 10 year new build warranty.
For all snagging issues and defects in your new home which fall within the first two years of completion, in the first instance these must be logged via the construction contractor aftercare snagging system. Details to register and user guide for the portal are in your welcome pack and welcome email.
If you can resolve the issue with the relevant construction contractor aftercare in your handover pack and you are satisfied with the outcome, then you need not use our formal complaints process. If, however, you are not satisfied that the issue has been resolved or handled satisfactorily, you may wish to make a formal complaint.
It’s important the people dealing with our customer’s complaints are those best placed to do so efficiently. Set out below is the complaints escalation process:
Formal complaints process
If you do have a complaint where we have:
- Failed to complete something we should have or completed it
- Not resolved or suitably progressed an issue or service request promptly (where possible, within 28 days).
Then please do contact us and allow us the opportunity to rectify any issues.
We have stringent processes to ensure that your complaint is investigated by our aftercare team, who are best placed to deal with any issues relating to your home or development.
Please raise your complaint officially to our aftercare team using the information provided below: Salboy Aftercare team
Email: aftercare@salboy.co.uk
Salboy Limited Unit 3
Birchwood One Business Park Dewhurst Road
Warrington WA3 7GB
Our Aftercare Team regularly review all formal complaints so we can amend our processes where necessary and continue to improve the service we deliver to all of our Customers.
Postal Address: Unit 3, Birchwood One, Dewhurst Road, Birchwood, Warrington WA3 7GB
Registered Office: Unit 3, Birchwood One, Dewhurst Road, Birchwood, Warrington WA3 7GB
Registered in England No. 9123542
Tel: 01925 852 278
email: info@salboy.co.uk web: www.salboy.co.uk
Whilst we hope that all formal complaints can be addressed by our Aftercare Team, if you still feel your raised concerns have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can refer your complaint to the Director in writing to the below details. Please note your Development Name and Address within the correspondence.
Joanne Ismail Address:
Salboy Limited Unit 3
Birchwood One Business Park Dewhurst Road
Warrington WA3 7GB
Updating you on the progress of your complaint
We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and will provide you with updates at the following stages:
- The date which your complaint will be treated as the “start date” will be the first business day after it has been received.
- Within 2 working days of the start date we will write to acknowledge receipt your
- Within 10 working days of the complaint start date we will write to provide our decision or outline how we will investigate your concerns.
If your complaint remains open 30 days after the start date, we will write to update you on each item raised. This will include:
- Where an issue has been resolved and what steps were taken to do
- Where an issue is not resolved, and further time is required to investigate the We will provide the estimated timeframe within which a decision will be reached, along with a brief explanation as to what further actions are required and why.
- If an item is not resolved but remediation work is agreed, what that work will consist of and an estimated timeframe within which the required works will be completed.
- Where further investigations or remediation has been set out, we will advise when the next update will be provided, which will no longer than 28 days.
- Where an item is not accepted by us, a clear explanation for our
- Information about any recommended engagement with any Dispute Resolution
If your complaint remains open 56 days after the start date we will write to update you on each item raised. This will include:
- A clear summary of what action has been taken to
- Clear details of what is still outstanding, a reason why and the actions to be taken or currently being taken.
- An indicative timescale for
- The frequency updates will be provided to you until resolution, which will be no longer than 28
- On addressing all items raised within your complaint, we will write to you to summarise the action taken on each and to confirm the complaint is closed.
If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint
If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you may be able to refer it for independent review.
Referrals can only be made after 56 days have passed since first raising it with us and a resolution has not been provided and no later than 6 months after our final response.
Or where we have been notified of a complaint which has not been acknowledged within a 30-day period.
You are free to choose your method of escalation of your complaint or dispute to Mediation via the Warranty Provider, and/or the Alternative Dispute Resolution Service. Please note that Mediation cannot be undertaken following a decision under the terms of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Service unless the Complaint relates to another matter and that we have had the opportunity to respond to the separate matter.